High Pressure

High pressure treatment is a health problem for millions of people around the world, The likelihood of overcoming its complex consequences in the overall health of the body and also on the psychological side, Imagine with me how someone lives with these consequences that at any time expose them to a loss of control over blood pressure following life stresses.

And recent scientific research has shown that the proportion of high-pressure cases is on the rise significantly, What is needed on our part to promote awareness of the magnitude of this pathological condition and to comprehensively recognize it.

High Pressure Concept:

High pressure, known as hypertension, is an involuntary condition in which blood rush to the arteries increases, leading to a serious rise in veins and blood vessels that are likely to develop strokes and heart attacks.

High Pressure Concept
High Pressure Concept

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What causes high blood pressure?

There are many factors that are closely related to this disease and that you know are able to know the appropriate treatment for your condition, They can be summarized as follows:

  • Genetic factors: injury to a family member increases the chances of transmission from person to person.
  • Environmental factors: which relate to the quality of living and the health of the patient’s eating and drinking.
  • Habits: The frequent intake of food rich in chemicals, or lack of physical activity.
  • Overweight: Overeating foods rich in fats and oils creates clumps within vessels and arteries.
  • Drug and alcohol use: Drinking these substances in abundance negatively affects blood pressure.
  • Smoking: Increases the lack of sufficient oxygen access to blood, leading to this disease.

What diseases raise pressure?

This disease consequences play a catalytic role for symptoms and complications that are extremely dangerous to health and may be exacerbated over time if not caught, These complications include:

  • Heart disease: promotes this disease from coronary heart disease.
  • Strokes: this disease can lead to serious strokes.
  • Failure of kidney function: this disease has an influential role on the kidneys following lack of effective blood filtering.
  • Angioplasty: this disease causes changes in vessel function, which increases the risk of explosion and expansion.
What diseases raise pressure
What diseases raise pressure

Symptoms of high pressure in women:

Recent scientific discoveries have expressed that women have symptoms of their own in relation to high pressure, which are not very common, as they appear as:

  1. Celiac disorders.
  2. Increase sweating.
  3. Chronic fatigue.
  4. Difficulty sleeping.
  5. Menstrual changes.

Symptoms of neurological hypertension:

Neurological hypertension is synonymous with high pressure, which is often ignorant of people motivated by mixed perceptions, High neurological pressure is a psychological condition indicating high blood pressure as a result of stress or stressors, These have their own symptoms, the most important of which are:

  • Headache and vertigo.
  • Random shivering.
  • Excess sweating.
  • Anxiety and depression.
  • Difficulty concentrating.
  • Increase pulse rate.
Symptoms of neurological hypertension
Symptoms of neurological hypertension

How to protect yourself from high pressure?

  • To prevent high pressure, lifestyle changes are required as an initial and essential step, This can be achieved by following the following:
  • Exercise: Allocate approximately 20-30 minutes per day for physical activities.
  • Healthy nutrition: eating foods rich in vitamins and natural minerals.
  • Avoid salts and sugars: This doubles the high pressure due to their obesity.
  • Weight loss: It is a difference factor in body vitality and make it healthier.
  • Constantly measuring blood pressure: Make sure to measure pressure so it helps you find treatment.
  • Reduce stress and anxiety: through the practice of relaxation, meditation and yoga practice.
  • Water intensity: maintains improved hydration of the body to perform its functions better.

High Pressure Treatment:

High pressure treatment is not limited to a single therapeutic method but more than one as a result of sophisticated scientific discoveries, These include:

  • Taking medication:

When high pressure requires medical treatment, a variety of drugs that control pressure levels include.

  1. Diuretics: helps to get sodium and excess water out of the body.
  2. Beta blockers: Naturally restores a heartbeat that reduces blood pressure.
  3. ACE inhibitors: promotes the relaxation of the running blood vessels from the flow of blood across them.
High Pressure Treatment
High Pressure Treatment
  • Natural Remedies:

Besides medication handled, there are alternative treatments that have proven effective in lowering high pressure, such as:

  1. Natural herbs: Take rich natural beverages ginger, garlic, natural herbs.
  2. Meditation and yoga: helps reduce the rate of stress and anxiety contributing to lowering pressure.
  3. Supplementary nutrition: diets such as dash diet (DASH) focused on eating fruits and vegetables.

In the end, high pressure needs to be taken seriously thanks to the seriousness of his ongoing health problems, so he pays more attention in knowing what is best for the condition about the initiation of treatment.

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Written by: Gehad Mohamed.

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جهاد محمد

جهاد محمد البلتاجي، تخرجت من كلية الآداب جامعة القاهرة، خبرة عامين في الكتابة والترجمة بالمجال الطبي والعام، وأيضًا في الأخبار.